Monday, May 11, 2009

Journal #3- Chapters 8-9 from the perspective of Atticus

Scout has me perplexed sometimes. Now is the time someone would say that she was growing up to be a lovely young lady but she just can't seem to mature. Of course I know Scout is just an ingenuous girl, and I can't change that, but I'm alright with that. But sometimes it gets the best of her. I feel she is even isolated because of how she beats up whoever wrongs her. It's not that I want her to change, its just that I wish she would become more acquainted with the idea of being less rude and more lady like around the family.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Journal #2- Chapters 4-7 from the perspective of Dill

I'm sad to be leaving Maycomb again. I'll especially miss Jem and Scout. I've grown so close to them over the past few summers that they feel like siblings to me. Theres no way to evade the trip back to my hometown though because I have to go to school. I was happy to have one last outing with Jem and Scout even if it was at 2 am. We went to the old fishing pool together. It was a little boring just because the three of us always get into trouble doing more interesting things. Jem had the idea to go try and see Boo Radley again. It was unanimous that we all had to go see him again. I knew it was a bad idea, but I was just so curious to know if the old legends were true. Scout was tormented st night by the thoughts of Boo Radley coming to get her, that I wanted to know if the legends were true so she wouldn't have to be scared. I was afriad Jem's tyranny would put us in danger some day. I thought he was done for when we saw the huge shadow in Boo's window. Unless we were chameleons, We were all done for the way Boo shot at us. Luckily we escaped. I hope Jem was satisfied with the appearance of Boo. Either that or he's just too scared to go back.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Journal #1- Chapters 1-3 from the perspective of Jem

Ever since scout was born, i've always felt live i've had to be the older brother, which meant to never condescend to her level. When Scout and Dill got an eccentric idea to see what Boo Radley looked like, I wasn't sure what to do. I couldn't chicken out and tell them I was too scared. Boo was intimidating. Whether it was fact or fiction that he was six feet tall and malevolent, the neighborhood would still be intimidated by him. I decided I would just bang on his house a few times. He probably would ignore it anyway. But I was wrong. I could have sworn he poked his head out the window once or twice. It was not enough for us to see what he looked like, so Scout and Dill will still be irked with the legend of Boo Radley.