Monday, March 9, 2009

A long way gone post #6

"His lips were about to utter something, But they stopped shaking, and he was gone." Said by Ishmael on page 208
Significance: Ishmael thought he was finished with seeing his loved ones die, but as soon as his uncle dies its like he is pushed back into his traumatic memories. This scene reminded me of when Gasemu died because it seemed like he died the same way Ishmael's uncle did.
Connection: Ishmael reacted differently to his uncles death than he did for Gasemu's death. I can relate to this because if I hear about something bad that happened to someone I don't know very well, I cant feel empathy because I dont know them, but if the same thing happens to one of my friends or family members, then I know how it feels.
Question: What would your reaction be to his uncle's death if you were Ishmael?

"I concluded to myself that if I were the hunter, I would shoot the monkey so that it would no longer have the chance to put other hunters in the same predicament." said by Ishmael on page 218.
Significance: I think this quote means that if someone was about to be faced with something horrible like war, Ishmael would want to save them the trouble of loosing people close to him by eliminating war before it starts.
Connection: This is the last quote in the book, and I think it shows how much Ishmael has grown up. Before he would have given an unrealistic answer to the Monkey question, but now since he has seen a lot, he can give a real answer to the question. I can connect because once someone asked me a question that I didn't know the answer to, but then a few weeks later I discovered what they meant and I knew how to answer the question.
Question: How would you answer the question Ishmael's friend's grandfather asked?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Long way gone post #5

Quote "Are you familiar with the city?" Uncle asked
"Not really" Said by Ishmael and Uncle on page 182
Significance: Ishmael has been out of touch with the city for so long and he is finally starting to get back into civil life. Its also showing that Ishmael is going to start healing.
Connection: I have felt this way when I've been away from my home for a week or two, and when I get back im sort of unfamiliar with my home surroundings and the city I left. Its like you have forgotten where your from and adapted to your surroundings
Question: How do you think Ishmael will rehabilitate himself with his Aunt and Uncle?

Quote: "My conception of new york city came from rap music" Said by Ishmael on page 193
Significance: The perceptions of what people think of america around the world is all different for every person. When he explained how he thought New York was a gang city, it shows that music has an influence on what people think.
Connection: If I hear a song thats about something then I automatically think that what the song is about must be true, even though it might not be.
Question:Do you think that Ishmaels opinions on America will change? how so?