Sunday, May 10, 2009

Journal #2- Chapters 4-7 from the perspective of Dill

I'm sad to be leaving Maycomb again. I'll especially miss Jem and Scout. I've grown so close to them over the past few summers that they feel like siblings to me. Theres no way to evade the trip back to my hometown though because I have to go to school. I was happy to have one last outing with Jem and Scout even if it was at 2 am. We went to the old fishing pool together. It was a little boring just because the three of us always get into trouble doing more interesting things. Jem had the idea to go try and see Boo Radley again. It was unanimous that we all had to go see him again. I knew it was a bad idea, but I was just so curious to know if the old legends were true. Scout was tormented st night by the thoughts of Boo Radley coming to get her, that I wanted to know if the legends were true so she wouldn't have to be scared. I was afriad Jem's tyranny would put us in danger some day. I thought he was done for when we saw the huge shadow in Boo's window. Unless we were chameleons, We were all done for the way Boo shot at us. Luckily we escaped. I hope Jem was satisfied with the appearance of Boo. Either that or he's just too scared to go back.

1 comment:

gabbyP said...

I really liked how you wrote because I could see exactly what you were trying to write. I could see every ste of the way what you were saying. Everything that you wrote sounded so much like how Dill would. I thought it was just like what it would sound like in the book.