Saturday, February 28, 2009

A long way gone post #4

"My nickname was "green snake" because I would situate myself in the most advantageous and sneaky position and would take out a whole village from under the tiniest shrub without being noticed" Said by Ishmael on page 144.
Significance: I think the significance of this quote is how the army treats each other, and how soldiers handle their job. It seems like Ishmael is killing for joy because its all he knows how to do now.
Connection: Whenever someone gives me a nickname like that, I feel like I have to keep doing what I do to maintain that name. And thats probably how Ishmael felt when he was given the nickname.
Question: How do you think all the other boys in the army react to their nicknames?

"I extended my toes toward the fire to warm them and saw that they were pale and had begun to rot." Said by Ishmael on page 150.
Significance: I chose this quote because it shows how horrible their living conditions are. It also shows how Ishmael has pretty much "forgotten" to take care of himself.
Connection: This quote reminded me of when people get so caught up in something that they forget to eat or drink. This happens to me a lot with many different things
Question: Why do you think Ishmael's feet were rotting? and what do you think were some of the other problems he had that were like this?

Friday, February 20, 2009

a long way gone post #2

Quote #1: page 47, Ishmael. "I could have written a science paper on the experience." I chose this quote because it made me feel happy for him that he was finally laughing for once in a long time. It also made me think that he was confused to why he was laughing at a time like this, and it was causing him to ponder the idea like it was a scientific theory. I can connect with this because i've seen people randomly laugh at hard times and i've experienced it myself. I think Ishmael is a fun-loving boy, but since he was faced with poverty and war he hasn't had time for fun or laughing, and this was a way to vent his feelings.
Question #1: If you were in Ishmael's position, what would your outlook be on life?

Quote #2: page 50, Ishmael "I spent the night in the arms of those trees, Between earth and sky." One reason I chose this quote was because I liked how it was written and I think it displayed imagery very well. I also chose this quote because it seemed metaphorical to me in the sense that Ishmael was being comforted by a tree very high up in the sky, and that it shows how desperate he is to fulfill his everyday needs like food and sleep.
Question #2: How do you think Ishmael felt when he was with some of his family again? Do you think he should continue his journey or stay back with the tribe?

a long way gone post #2

Monday, February 16, 2009

From Haven to Home reflection

Part 1: From Haven to Home

The purpose of this exhibit was to learn about the Jewish impact in history and in America, and how the Jews saw America as a haven at first and then a home. I learned that Jewish people came to Amsterdam in 1654, but they were denied by the governor. During the establishment of America, the 2,000 Jews that lived in America were protected by the first amendment. In the civil war, it’s estimated that 9,000 Jews fought for the Union and 3,000 for the Confederacy.

Starting in 1880, Millions of Jewish people came from Russia, Rumania, Austria, and Hungary to live in America, mostly to be free from religious control. During the great depression, the Jewish people in Germany were blamed for the economic crisis, and fled to America when Hitler and the Nazi’s started the Holocaust.

A few interesting things I learned was that there are synagogues where every one of any religious beliefs are welcome. There are also synagogues that meet the needs of gay people and feminists. I thought it was interesting how there are many beliefs of Judaism, and different Jews believe in different things.

Part 2: Children of immigrants

The photograph I chose was a scared little boy being fingerprinted at the airport. I chose this picture because it shows that moving to a new country can be nerve-wracking to anyone.

The quote I chose said “Home is a place to protect my family and me. A place to sleep, eat, study and take a bath. Also the sweetest and softest place I’ve ever been in.” I chose this quote because it shows how your home is the only place you can feel comfortable and be free. I think the same could be applied to your country too.

The essay I read was about a boy’s mother who was born and raised in Vietnam. When the boy was young, he and his mother lived in a dangerous and poor area of town, and he explains how many people thought he would never get a proper education or live a good life because of his poor background. But he ends up going to a good school and pursues a good job. This story shows me that immigrants might have a harder time settling into the country because of all the trouble they have to go through to get to America.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A long way gone post 1

“They had carved their initials, RUF (revolutionary united front) on his body with a hot bayonet and chopped off all his fingers” Said by Ishmael on page 21

I think this quote shows how the RUF’s hostility. I also think the quote shows how much horrific experience Ishmael goes through. Since this book talks about child soldiers its shocking to think that anybody could have carved RUF on the dead person’s body. This quote reminded me of Invisible Children because the story takes place during an African war. This character is a brave boy who is about to be faced with a horrible situation.

“It was the only way to get through the night." Said by Ishmael on page 29

I chose this quote because it was sad to know that children like Ishmael had to fight and scavenge for their food. It also shows how hard times are and how tragic the warzone is. Most people in America don't realize that many people all over the world don't get food all the time.This quote reminded me that poverty always exsists.It also showed that even civil people can become greedy and savange when something is scarce.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


An Immigrant to me is someone who migrated to America from a different country to find a better life. The reason I'm connected to immigration is because I have a lot of friends and family members who immigrated from different countries. I think many immigrants come to America because we are a free country with lots of job opportunities, free education,and a good government that lives under the constitution. The affects of immigration in San Diego are more multi-cultured thing around the city. Since there are many Mexican-American immigrants in the city, there are parts of the city like Old Town and street names in different languages.