Friday, February 20, 2009

a long way gone post #2

Quote #1: page 47, Ishmael. "I could have written a science paper on the experience." I chose this quote because it made me feel happy for him that he was finally laughing for once in a long time. It also made me think that he was confused to why he was laughing at a time like this, and it was causing him to ponder the idea like it was a scientific theory. I can connect with this because i've seen people randomly laugh at hard times and i've experienced it myself. I think Ishmael is a fun-loving boy, but since he was faced with poverty and war he hasn't had time for fun or laughing, and this was a way to vent his feelings.
Question #1: If you were in Ishmael's position, what would your outlook be on life?

Quote #2: page 50, Ishmael "I spent the night in the arms of those trees, Between earth and sky." One reason I chose this quote was because I liked how it was written and I think it displayed imagery very well. I also chose this quote because it seemed metaphorical to me in the sense that Ishmael was being comforted by a tree very high up in the sky, and that it shows how desperate he is to fulfill his everyday needs like food and sleep.
Question #2: How do you think Ishmael felt when he was with some of his family again? Do you think he should continue his journey or stay back with the tribe?


Camille said...

Quote #1: I think that you are right to wonder why he chose to laugh for the first time at this. I think that he was confused at why he was laughing because he was laughing at painful memories. I also think that it is strange to hear him laugh after such a long time.
Question #1: I think that I would be very sad about the expiriences I would have gone through. I also think that I would be grateful, like Ishmael, that I survived such a horrible war and was able to escape.
Quote #2: I liked that you chose this qoute because I too liked the different type of writing he chose to write it in. I think that you are right about the metaphorical sence of the quote. I think that he is comforted by being in the tree, near the sky which signifies freedom, but is scared becuase he is being held in the arms of the tree, which is close to war.
Question #2: I think that he was incredibly happy to be with his family again. I think that it brought back all of the memories he had with his brother and grandparents and parents and friends back in Africa.

Michael said...

Quote #1: I totally agree with you and it is odd when people laugh for no given reason. It is good to see him laughing finally because it must be so devastating to know your being kidnapped and forced to fight.
Question #1: If I was, I would except being forced to fight and just wait the war out. I would only do the things necessary and no more.
Quote #2: I totally agree with what you mean, Ishmael is now experiencing a life that he has never experienced before. Sleeping in a tree might be the best night he will have as a soldier.
Question #2: Of course he was exceedingly happy, I know I would be. I think everyone would be really happy to meet their family again after so long.