Saturday, February 14, 2009

A long way gone post 1

“They had carved their initials, RUF (revolutionary united front) on his body with a hot bayonet and chopped off all his fingers” Said by Ishmael on page 21

I think this quote shows how the RUF’s hostility. I also think the quote shows how much horrific experience Ishmael goes through. Since this book talks about child soldiers its shocking to think that anybody could have carved RUF on the dead person’s body. This quote reminded me of Invisible Children because the story takes place during an African war. This character is a brave boy who is about to be faced with a horrible situation.

“It was the only way to get through the night." Said by Ishmael on page 29

I chose this quote because it was sad to know that children like Ishmael had to fight and scavenge for their food. It also shows how hard times are and how tragic the warzone is. Most people in America don't realize that many people all over the world don't get food all the time.This quote reminded me that poverty always exsists.It also showed that even civil people can become greedy and savange when something is scarce.


vincent said...

Quote #1: This does show the Rebels sick ways during the war and what they did to many people during the war. The Rebels are twisted people and they do this for fun and to show people to be afraid of them.
Quote#2:During the time of war like in the book you can't really trust people a whole lot because like in the book the family that was swimming didn't trust Ishmael because he is the same age a Rebel solider would be. During time of war everything changes civil people can turn into killers this could happen in a second and it could happen in a hour or a day or a week...etc... the point I'm saying is that people change in war that is just the way it is.

Camille said...
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Camille said...

Quote #1 Response: I think that you are right about the rebels hostility and evil. I also thought that it was an interesting story about why the rebels cut off the peoples fingers and not their thumbs. it was also an interesting and sad story about why whenever the Rebels kidnapped someone they would carve RUF into their body.
Question #1 Answer: You didn't include a question.

Quote #2 Response: I think that what he means is that it was the only way that he could cope with what was happening. He also felt like he could not go to sleep and was afraid to because he wanted to be aware in case anything happened.
Question #2 Answer: You did not include a question.

Michael said...

Quote 1: I can not start to imagine what other things they did to other people. This is what terrorists do, they bring fear into everyone's eyes until you obey.

Quote 2: It is sad that Ismael has to fight for everything he needs. This is what all third world country children have to endure, it is tragic but its true.