Saturday, February 28, 2009

A long way gone post #4

"My nickname was "green snake" because I would situate myself in the most advantageous and sneaky position and would take out a whole village from under the tiniest shrub without being noticed" Said by Ishmael on page 144.
Significance: I think the significance of this quote is how the army treats each other, and how soldiers handle their job. It seems like Ishmael is killing for joy because its all he knows how to do now.
Connection: Whenever someone gives me a nickname like that, I feel like I have to keep doing what I do to maintain that name. And thats probably how Ishmael felt when he was given the nickname.
Question: How do you think all the other boys in the army react to their nicknames?

"I extended my toes toward the fire to warm them and saw that they were pale and had begun to rot." Said by Ishmael on page 150.
Significance: I chose this quote because it shows how horrible their living conditions are. It also shows how Ishmael has pretty much "forgotten" to take care of himself.
Connection: This quote reminded me of when people get so caught up in something that they forget to eat or drink. This happens to me a lot with many different things
Question: Why do you think Ishmael's feet were rotting? and what do you think were some of the other problems he had that were like this?


Michael said...

Quote #1: I think that Ishmael is saying that he does not want to kill but killing is surviving. He wants to choose the safest spot to fight and defend himself when he needs to, just like snakes.

Question #1: I think all the other boys would have different reactions to their nicknames depending on what they were.

Quote #2: He almost wrote this with no shock. This tells me that Ishmael has already adapted to the beating his body is taken. He knows that things are going to go wrong with his body and adapted.

Question #2: He might have just walked in water or just hasn't washed his toes in a long time. Another illness that I think Ishmael would have is rotting teeth, with all the eating of uncleaned food and no tooth brush. Ishmael is bound to have some cavities.

vincent said...

Quote#1: I think that every place that has to do with things like fighting. Like at my jiu-jitsu place they call me Big Boy and I live up to that name for my hieght and my size.
Question#1: They would try to live up to their names so they can still be called their nick name.
Quote#2: That also happens to me that your doing so many things you forget to eat something or do something else. His toes rotting is one of the things you have to ignore because if you worry about that you can get shot or worse die.
Question#2: They were rotting because he didn't take care of his feet, something that were like this was maybe his teeth and other things.

Camille said...

Quote #1: I think that this is a sign that Ishmael is getting used to things in the rebels. Not that he likes it but now that he has a nickname, its as if he has found a place among them.
Question #1: I think they would all react differently depending on what their nicknames were. Some nicknames could be bad, some in Ishmaels case, good.
Quote #2: I think that this quote as well was showing that Ishmael is in a trance when he is killing and ignores the pain in his feet and heart. I think that when he gets a chance to "relax" he starts coming to his sences but once he goes back to killing he is a machine.
Question #2: I think that Ishmael's feet were rotting because of the wet ground they are constantly trekking in and his feet are beginning to get fungus because of the hot weather and wet feet.